
Human Resources Development

In an ever-changing world, forward-thinking businesses know that their success or failure lies in the competence of their people. Therefore, to stay ahead, businesses need to develop a culture of continuous learning, catering for the now, while planning for the future.

Ask yourself this question. How strategic are your learning and development decisions? If you want your HRD function to be driven by a strategic intent, suitable intelligence needs to be on hand to inform decisions. With quality skills intelligence your training budget can be applied optimally across your business.

Traditionally, inputs from a manual skills audit or the PDP (Personal Development Plan) process have been used to inform HRD decisions. These techniques are very expensive and time consuming. A digital skills audit can provide you with detailed training needs intelligence at a fraction of the time and cost.

Furthermore, our skills audit tool can be aligned with the OFO codes, a requirement for SETA grant applications. It is also highly flexible and allows for a large level of customization